Hello, this is Omar,

I am a PhD student in the department of Computer Science at Dartmouth. I am fortunate to be advised by Prof. Sarah M. Preum. My primary research interest lies in the area of Natural Language Processing; particularly, I am interested in applying NLP techniques to extract meaningful information from social media and health data. I am also enthusiastic about Multimodal NLP research. I am excited about problems like how we can build models that can efficiently fuse and meaningfully share features between multiple modalities (i.e. linguistic, acoustic, visual)? Because to enable seamless interaction between intelligent machines and humans, it is crucial to process, relate, and combine information from several modalities.

I earned my M.Sc. and B.Sc. in Computer Science and Engineering from CUET under the supervision of Dr. Moshiul Hoque as a member of the CUET NLP Lab. Besides research, I love to work with Data structures and Algorithms. Throughout my academic career, I have participated in ICPC, NCPC, and numerous national-level programming contest. I love to play a lot, read motivational and history (religion, world war) books. My favorite sports are badminton, football, and cricket. Occasionally, I play carrom, chess, and card as well.

Contact: 📧 omar.sharif.gr@dartmouth.edu

My latest CV: [Resume]


20 Sep,24    Feeling motivated!! One paper accepted at EMNLP-2024 main conference.
30 July,24   Our group is in OpenAI Researcher Access Program. We received a $5k API credit and will continue to assess OpenAI models on human-centric NLP tasks.
16 May,24    One paper accepted at ACL-2024.
13 Apr,24    Received Student Travel Grant from AAAI  as a support to attend and present my paper at ICWSM-2024.
06 Feb,24    Received Volunteer Award as a support to attend and present my papers at EACL-2024.
22 Jan,24    One paper accepted at EACL-SRW-2024.
09 Dec,23    One paper accepted at AAAI-2024.
6-10 Dec,23  Virtually attended EMNLP-2023 and presented our papers (Paper-1, Paper-2).
27 Oct,23    Received Volunteer Award as a support to attend and present my papers at EMNLP-2023.
23 Oct,23    One paper accepted in GEM-Workshop at EMNLP-2023.
06 Oct,23    Feeling awesome!! One paper accepted at EMNLP-2023 Findings.
19 Sep,23    Presented a poster at Digital Mental Health & AI Symposium organized by CTBH.
15 July,23   One paper accepted at ICWSM-2024.
20-23 Nov,22 Presented our paper virtually at AACL-SRW 2022.
12 Sep,22    Awarded Presidential Graduate Fellowship from Dartmouth.
12 Sep,22    Joined Dartmouth to pursue my PhD in CS.
27 Jun,22    Promoted to Assitant Professor in Dept. of CSE, CUET. Feeling super happy!!!
20-25 Jun,22 Virtually attended LREC-2022 and presented our paper MemoSen
17 Jun,22    Our journal on Multimodal Learning accepted at JKSU Journal.[IF: 13.437] Feeling awesome!!! 
22-27 May,22 Received D&I Award as a support to attend and present our papers at ACL-2022.
6 Apr,22     One paper accepted at CONSTRAINT@ACL-2022.
4 Apr,22     One paper accepted at LREC-2022 main conference.
26 Mar,22    4 shared task papers accepted at ACL-2022 workshops.
02 Jan,22    Feeling awesome!!! Successfully defended my Master's thesis.[Slides]
20 Dec,21    Bengali Aggressive Text Dataset (BAD) is released. Hope this dataset will pave the way for undesired/toxic language detection research in Bengali.
5 Dec,21     Feeling super happy!!! Paper accepted at Neurocomputing Journal.[IF: 5.719, HI: 143]
7-11 Nov,21  Received D&I Award and virtually attended EMNLP-2021.
5 Nov,21     Two papers (Sentiment, Emotion) accepted in SN Computer Science journal.
1-6 Aug,21   Virtually attended ACL-2021.
26 June,21   Successfully organized International Workshop on Computational Analysis of Undesired Texts on Social Media.
7 June,21    Presented our paper virtually at NAACL-SRW 2021.
7 Apr,21     Received D&I Award as a support to attend and present my work at EACL-2021.
27 Mar,21    One paper accepted at NAACL-SRW 2021.[Acceptance rate: 44%]
15 Feb,21    Three papers (Hope, Offensive, Multimodal) accepted at EACL-2021 workshops.
8 Feb,21     Achieved Best paper award (research track) at CONSTRAINT collocated with AAAI-2021.[Acceptance rate: 37.1%]
16 Jan,21    Our team NLP@CUET secured 1st, 3rd and 3rd position at Hope speech, Offensive language and Multimodal meme detection shared tasks.
19 Dec,20    Presented a paper at ICON-2020.
12 Sep,20    Paper accepted at Jouranl of Applied Sciences.[IF: 2.67]

Academic Service

Program Committee Member/Reviewer for,

  • Conferences: ACL-[23, 24], EMNLP-[23, 24], NAACL-24, ACL Rolling Review, ICWSM-24, LREC-[22, 24], COLING-25
  • Journals: TALLIP, IEEE Access, Scientific Reports, TCSS, LREV

NLP Resources

List of few books, courses and blog posts that I find really helpfull.